Seven (7) child advocacy centers provide services to all of the 93 counties across Nebraska. All seven are members of the Nebraska Alliance and are fully accredited by the National Children's Alliance. Six of the centers are non-profit corporations and one center is a hospital-based agency.
Affiliated with the seven CACs are ten (10) satellite locations. The satellites provide children, family members and local investigative agencies easier access to forensic interviews, advocacy services, and family support closer to home.

(308) 534-4064
Counties Served: Arthur, Chase, Dundy, Frontier, Grant, Hayes, Hitchcock, Hooker, Keith, Lincoln, Logan, McPherson, Perkins, Red Willow, Thomas
**Satellite: McCook
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(308) 632-7274
Counties Served: Banner, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Dawes, Deuel, Garden, Kimball, Morrill, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan, Sioux
**Satellites: Alliance, Chadron, and Sidney
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(308) 385-5238
Counties Served: Clay, Garfield, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Howard, Merrick, Nuckolls, Webster, Wheeler
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(402) 476-3200
Counties Served: Butler, Cass, Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Johnson, Lancaster, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Polk, Richardson, Saline, Saunders, Seward, Thayer, York
**Satellites: Auburn and York
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(308) 865-7492
Counties Served: Adams, Blaine, Buffalo, Custer, Dawson, Franklin, Furnas, Gosper, Harlan, Kearney, Loup, Phelps, Sherman, Valley
**Satellites: Broken Bow and Hastings
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(402) 644-7402
Counties Served: Antelope, Boone, Boyd, Brown, Burt, Cedar, Cherry, Colfax, Cuming, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Holt, Keya Paha, Knox, Madison, Nance, Pierce, Platte, Rock, Stanton, Thurston, Washington, Wayne
**Satellites: O’Neill and Fremont
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Counties Served: Douglas, Sarpy (also serves 16 counties in Iowa)
**Satellite: Fremont