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Understanding and Screening for Trauma in Young Children

Thursday, July 9, 2020
9:00 am12:00 pm
Lincoln, NE - Location To Be Determined

Many children entering the foster care system have experienced trauma. Identifying trauma & appropriately responding is critical to ensuring the child's well-being.

In this 3-hour training you will:
•Learn about the impact of trauma
•Practice doing a trauma screen
•Learn what's in a trauma assessment
•Learn what treatments work

Continuing Education: Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance, agenda, and handouts, which can be used for submitting and requesting CE credit on your own.

Who should attend?

Guardians ad litem, County attorneys, Parents attorneys, Judges, CASA, FCRO, Caseworkers, and other professionals in the juvenile system

Speaker: Jamie Bahm, MS, Project Manager; Nebraska Resource Project for Vulnerable Young Children.

Prior to this, she was the Supervisor for the Lancaster County Family Drug Court program with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Jamie began her work in child welfare in 2010, specializing in casework with juvenile justice and status offenders. Jamie has a B.S. in Criminal Justice and an M.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, both received from the University of Nebraska. She has a career focus in working with children and families who are affected by parental substance use and providing trauma-informed services to families.