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What We Do

Initiatives & Campaigns

Growth and Development
The Nebraska Alliance gathers data about the served, under-served and un-served areas in Nebraska to address the ongoing establishment and sustainability of CACs. In 2015, the Nebraska Alliance utilized the results to demonstrate the need to expand CAC services into the rural communities. When state legislation passed in 2015, the Nebraska Alliance secured funding for the startup costs for four new CAC satellite offices, ongoing operations for the five established CAC satellite offices, and a statewide outreach coordinator to provide technical assistance support.

Training and Technical Assistance
The Nebraska Alliance identifies and addresses the evolving training and technical assistance needs of the CACs and multidisciplinary team members throughout the state. Since 2007, the Nebraska Alliance has attained grant funding for training sponsorships and CAC sub-awards so that approximately 1,500 professionals are trained each year. Additionally, through its national and regional partners, the Nebraska Alliance is able to host national trainers for the CACs and multi-disciplinary team members who conduct child abuse investigations.

Awareness and Education
The Nebraska Alliance serves as a leading resource throughout the state by supporting efforts to:

  1. Increase awareness about child abuse and the CAC model.
  2. Reform systems to ensure improved opportunities and outcomes for child abuse victims.

The Nebraska Alliance educates for legislation at the state and federal level. Each year, the Nebraska Alliance conducts meetings with Nebraska State Senators and with the Nebraska members of the United States Congress to share the latest information about child abuse and neglect and to offer them ways that they can help.